Anonymous Reporting Link - Click Here
What is Praesidium Accreditation?
This acredditation demontrates our organizations commitmet to safety and adherence to the highest standards in abuse prevention. Visit -
We are proud to be designated as a 2023-2024 DARKNESS TO LIGHT Partner in Prevention
At the Y, we know that ending child sexual abuse takes a cooperative community effort. That's why we've partnered with Darkness to Light, a nationally recognized nonprofit organization and creators of the award-winning Stewards of Children™ curriculum. Prevention training for staff, volunteers and parents creates a culture of awareness.
While we cannot eliminate all threats, we want to do what we can to ensure that the children in our care are safe. When entering the Y all members, participants, and guests must have a valid picture ID that will be scanned through a national child abuse database. If a sex offender match occurs, the YMCA reserves the right to cancel the membership, end program participation, and remove visitation access.
We appreciate your cooperation.